METAL OVERTÜRE is a roleplaying game inspired by heavy metal. Specifically British Steel bands (such as Black Sabbath, Iron Maiden and Judas Priest). In it you'll be shattering ear drums with powerful solos, taking down beasts the size of buildings and overall turn things up to eleven. You'll also be dealing with more grounded issues that sparked the birth of metal such as themes of the class divide, workers unions and struggling to put food on your table during times of unease.
The game shouldn't be all doom and gloom though, as the gods of metal are watching and you wouldn't want them to be disapointed. So kick over an amp, headbutt a guard through a wall and go cause some mayhem.
Forged in the Dark
When designing METAL OVERTÜRE I wanted a rule set that was easy to learn, simple to use during play but also open enough so that people didn't feel like their actions were ever restricted. This is why METAL OVERTÜRE is a Forged in the Dark game, meaning it's a hack of John Harpers' Blades in the Dark. An excellent game about scoundrels doing what they must to survive.
Blades in the Dark was the perfect fit for METAL OVERTÜRE as although you'll be fighting for your life in a Battle of the Bands. The majority of the time you'll be taking on less than reputable scores just to keep a roof over your head. As Blades in the Dark relies heavily on what players make of the fiction it means how over the top metal a character can be is restricted only by a players imagination.
The Blades in Dark SRD is required to play METAL OVERTÜRE and you can get it free from bladesinthedark.com.
Get familar with the Blades in the Dark SRD
(click here for external link)
Read the quick-start and starting scenario
(click here for pdf link)
Make a copy of the playtest sheets
(click here for google drive link)
Play the game and most importantly have fun
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